Why is Cyber Security so important for Trade and Construction Businesses? - Upscale Business Coaching

Why is Cyber Security so important for Trade and Construction Businesses?

Cybersecurity is the protection to defend internet-connected devices and services from malicious attacks by hackers, spammers, and cybercriminals.

Scammers and hackers are busy all day every day and night (their systems don’t sleep), creating new ways to get into your business systems, banking, emails, phones, and accounts. The list goes on. We need to protect our businesses and people with the tools, training, resources, and technology to avoid becoming victims.

In business, we collect and store a lot of information and don’t often consider if a breach occurs what could happen, who would be impacted, and what it could cost.

Don’t think it cannot happen to you – On average, one cybercrime is reported every 6 minutes, with ransomware alone causing up to $3 billion in damages to the Australian economy.

Here is a simple strategy you can implement today:

  1. learn how to recognise the latest/common threats
  2. Use strong passwords.
  3. Implement Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
  4. Update software and devices
  5. Back up
  6. Report

Below you can find some fantastic resources to assist you.

This area may be of interest to someone in your business and they might like to become your Cyber Security Champion and help you and your team.

Resources and Training:



